Week 1 on GAPS Intro – Where Are All the Spoons?

Oh, that’s right, I’m on the GAPS Intro diet, which myself and others lovingly call the Soup Diet.  I’m also low on bowls, too, even though I try to use them at least twice before I put them in the dishwasher.  😉 It has been a very interesting week, to say the least.  My learning curve went way up because I have very little experience making soup.  My family doesn’t care much for soup or stew so I’ve only made it a few times in 20+ years.  But I learned rather quickly how easy making soup can be!  Soften some … Continue reading

My First Day on the GAPS Intro Diet

After three months of preparation, I finally started the GAPS Introduction diet today.  Last night when I went to bed I wasn’t really sure I was going to, but when I got out of bed today I decided it was going to happen.  No turning back! So because I wasn’t sure last night, I wasn’t really ready this morning.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  It turns out my three months of preparation actually made this day easier because almost everything was in the freezer.  I was looking forward to some Butternut Squash Soup for breakfast!  I left out the spices … Continue reading