If you’ve been following my gardening efforts at all, you have read how I turned my backyard flowerbed into a raised garden this year. Here is the update I wrote about two months later. Above is a picture of how it looked about three weeks ago. It seemed to explode almost overnight! We have had a wonderful late summer/early fall here in the Pacific Northwest. Little to no rain for 80+ days! That means we have had an extended harvest, for which I am very grateful because I got started so late in the spring. Here, let me share what we … Continue reading
I got this idea from my beautiful cousin, a fellow DIYer from Cali. When I found out she made her own garlic powder, I knew I had to find out how! A few months ago, she had a 3-hour layover in Seattle, and we hadn’t seen each other in years. It was a no-brainer – we simply had to get together! So my daughter and I drove down to the airport meet her, and we took her out to dinner. We had a great time together over some very delicious lamb, and she revealed how easy it is to make … Continue reading