Week 3 on GAPS Intro – I Almost Quit!

But I didn’t.  🙂  It was a tough 3rd week.  On Saturday, I went on a long motorcycle ride with my husband, his brother and sister-in-law to Mt. St. Helen’s.  I took GAPS Intro food for lunch, but ate a Full GAPS breakfast at the restaurant with everyone else.  The ride was lots of fun, but long and tiring.  I had to take several days off to recover which why this post is so late. My husband and I also celebrated our 29th anniversary.  Woot!  I tried to be strong and not ask to go out to eat, but by … Continue reading

Week 2 on GAPS Intro – I’m Back, Baby!

It is day 15 and I’m at Stage 3 of the GAPS Intro diet.  Towards the end of the second week, my energy came back strong!  I’m still a little tired, but my stamina is way up!  That makes me so very happy, and I got a lot done the last couple of days. I’m probably going to stay at this stage until I get off coffee completely.  I’m down to a few sips every other day, so things look very promising.  My husband usually makes a pot every morning, and I used to heat up a cup or two … Continue reading