I had been dreaming for years about some kind of box or container that could be attached to the inside and outside of my deck rails so I could garden waist-high without having to worry about slugs. Windowsill-type boxes seemed too heavy, bulky and expensive to fit the bill. I wanted to grow shallow-rooted, tender vegetables like lettuce and spinach so they would be out of reach of those nasty slugs. I also wanted to try to grow peas and cucumbers and let them spill over the sides of the gutters. If needed, I could attach chicken wire to the … Continue reading
It’s been almost two months since I planted my flowerbed turned vegetable garden and I thought it was about time for an update so you could see how it’s growing. It’s doing just okay because we have experienced a wetter than normal summer so far, and I have struggled with slugs. Ugh! They have munched on my butternut squash, cucumbers and zucchini. I was able to save the zucchini, but had to replant the butternut squash and cucumbers. Since the second plantings came so late in the season, I am not sure I will be receiving much produce from them. … Continue reading