If you’ve been following my gardening efforts at all, you have read how I turned my backyard flowerbed into a raised garden this year. Here is the update I wrote about two months later. Above is a picture of how it looked about three weeks ago. It seemed to explode almost overnight! We have had a wonderful late summer/early fall here in the Pacific Northwest. Little to no rain for 80+ days! That means we have had an extended harvest, for which I am very grateful because I got started so late in the spring. Here, let me share what we … Continue reading
Tag Archives: container gardening
I had been dreaming for years about some kind of box or container that could be attached to the inside and outside of my deck rails so I could garden waist-high without having to worry about slugs. Windowsill-type boxes seemed too heavy, bulky and expensive to fit the bill. I wanted to grow shallow-rooted, tender vegetables like lettuce and spinach so they would be out of reach of those nasty slugs. I also wanted to try to grow peas and cucumbers and let them spill over the sides of the gutters. If needed, I could attach chicken wire to the … Continue reading