When I started the GAPS Intro diet, I absolutely did not anticipate being on it for two months, especially since I had been on the Full GAPS diet for a year. I thought for sure my digestive system was in better shape. I was so wrong.
And then, just when I think I’ve got it figured out, my body throws me a curve ball. First it was constipation, then came diarrhea. I don’t know exactly why, but I have my suspicions. I think it was either the magnesium pills I started taking or some super strong beef bone broth that I was drinking. I immediately ceased consuming both and my symptoms improved.
Because I wasn’t exactly sure what was causing the watery stools, I went back to Stage 3 so I could slowly introduce foods again. After a couple days on Stage 3, I introduced some olive oil and then coconut flour. Neither of them bothered me. Yay!
Today I reintroduced some juice, and my stool loosened a bit. Tomorrow I will drink a smaller amount to see if it improves.
One helpful thing I discovered this week was whenever I felt my stomach gurgling I drank or ate some cultured dairy. Before GAPS I used to drink raw milk to combat the gurgling or watery stools, and it usually helped. Dr. Campbell-McBride, the author of the GAPS book, recommends consuming either yogurt or kefir to help combat diarrhea, so this seems to make sense.
Over the weekend I made some coconut bread. It started out as a disaster because coconut flour is extremely dry. I followed the recipe in the GAPS book and the flour just sucked up the three eggs called for in the recipe. And I didn’t even add the last 1/2 cup of coconut flour
Over the next 1/2 hour I kept adding moisture, from eggs to melted fats to kefir. When all was said and done I had used the initial 2 cups of coconut flour, 1/2 cup butter/ghee, 1/2 coconut oil
, 1/2 kefir and 12 eggs! I spread the thick “dough” into a cake pan because I couldn’t find my bread pans. Fortunately, though, when it was done cooking it was not only edible, but rather tasty. Finally I have something to spread butter on!
Improving symptoms
I’m a little disappointed it has taken me this long to do Intro, but want to remain positive. I’ve decided to focus on how my health has improved over the last year, first on Full GAPS and now on Intro. Here’s my list of improved symptoms.
- No more vertigo.
- Improved energy.
- Stronger. I can lift my cast iron skillet
with one hand and no wrist pain!
- Fibromyalgia pain is nearly gone! I still have a little rib pain and left arm pain.
- Fewer and less painful headaches.
- Chronic sinus infections are gone.
- Hot flashes are now just warm flashes. 🙂
- Knee joint pain is gone.
- Major fatigue is greatly improved.
- Weight loss without even trying. I have lost almost 30 lbs so far!
- Stamina is so much better.
- Pain and stiffness upon rising is so much better. I almost don’t even notice it!
- Eyesight and hearing have improved.
- Heart palpitations are almost gone.
- Sleep is better, but could use more improvement.
- I no longer have that feeling that something is horribly wrong with me.
- Clearer thinking.
- Improved memory.
- Not as moody.
- Shakiness is gone.
Now that is a beautiful list, and I feel as though there is nothing to complain about! I’m also going to be moving on to Stage 5 in a couple days. We’re almost done!
If you’ve missed any of my GAPS Intro posts, you can find them here. There’s still time to sign up for my giveaway! I’m giving away a copy of “What Can I Eat Now?” by Cara of Health, Home and Happiness. Giveaway closed.
Are you on the GAPS Intro diet? If so, have you experienced healing? What stage are you on? I’d love to hear from you!
Shared on Fight Back Friday, Monday Mania, Fat Tuesday and Real Food Wednesday.